Peruvian Amazon

Did you know we can tailor any tour?
Ewa Machnik
Travel specialist
020 7808 6783
Peruvian Amazon Pre-tour to Treasures of Peru
Fly to Lima
Fly from London (regional connections available) to Lima and overnight at the Wyndham Costa del Sol Airport Hotel. (N)
Meal basis
As per itinerary - B: Breakfast, L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Fly to the Amazon
Fly to Puerto Maldonado and take a boat to the Inkaterra Hacienda Concepcion for 2 nights (individual bungalow). (B, L, D)
The Amazon
Explore the unique rainforest ecosystem on shared excursions provided by Inkaterra Hacienda Concepcion. (B, L, D)
Fly to Lima
Return to Puerto Maldonado and fly to Lima to join the group. (B)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast, L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.